
Aigis control a lot of action with a configuration file (aigis_config.yml). All path names are interpreted relative from a configuration file (aigis_config.yml) directory.

source: (required)

Type Default
String or Array undefined

Specify relative path to a source file (or directory) which is a source for generating style guide. You can specify single specified value or arrayed value.


In case of setting specific file and directory name to source value, see below:

  - ./css/style.css
  - ./scss

source_type: (optional)

Type Default
String or Array ['.css', '.sass', '.scss', '.styl']

In case of setting directory name to source value, Aigis will aim at source file which has an extension in source_type. By default, there are four type of extensions, .css, .sass and .scss, and .styl.


If you want to filter the type of source, set source_type value you want as follows.

  - .css
  - .less
Generate style guide with Markdown

Aigis can generate style guide from every text file which has CSS comment block (/* ~ */) and configuration block which is surrounded by --- For example, Aigis generates from Markdown file when you set source_type to .md

source_type: .md

dest: (optional)

Type Default
String './style guide'

Specify destination directory. If you didn't specify it, Aigis will make a destination directory named style guide at the configuration file (aigis_config.yml) directory.


dest: ./path/to/destination

dependencies: (optional)

Type Default
String or Array undefined

Specify dependent file and directory for the style guide. The specified file and directory is copied to the destination directory.


  - ./path/to/css
  - ./path/to/images
  - ./path/to/style.css

template_dir: (optional)

Type Default
String './template'

Specify directory of template for generating style guide. This directory needs to contain index.ejs and layout.ejs.

If you specified jade to template_engine, the directory needs to contain index.jade and layout.jade.

If you specified hbs to template_engine, the directory needs to contain index.hbs and layout.hbs.


template_dir: './path/to/template_dir

component_dir: (optional)

Type Default
String './html'

Specify directory of imported html file. This option value is used for resolving a path of imported file when you want to append external file using special phrase (!![](./path/to/file.html)).

template_engine: (optional)

Type Default
String 'ejs'

Specify template engine for generating style guide. Three type of template engines can be used in aigis as follows.

  • EJS(ejs
  • Jade(jade
  • Handlebars(hbs

This directory needs to contain a (e.g. index.jade) which has an extension for the template engine you choose.


If you want to use Jade, see below:

template_engine: jade

log: (optional)

Type Default
Boolean false

List of generated files will be displayed to the console when this log is true.

color_palette: (optional)

Type Default
Boolean true

Aigis generates a color palette page named color.html which has all the color that are used in your files.

Sample: color.html

If you don't need the color palette, specify false to this option and then Aigis don't generate the color palette page.

preview_class: (optional)

Type Default
String 'aigis-preview'

Specify class name of the preview area which contains previewed component when Aigis generated a previewed component from the code block. So, This option helps to operate your component with JavaScript or add a CSS which is unaffected by CSS of style guide

Appending previewed component

For example, you wrote a code block as follows.


Aigis appends the following HTML to your style guide.

<div class="aigis-preview">

output_collection: (optional)

Type Default
String or Array ['category', 'tag']

Specify outputted page group. If you want to output page group besides category and tag, set group name to output_collection.

For example, In the case of your components require versioning, you added version to your components configuration block as follows.

name: btn
  - base
  - btn
version: 1

And then you set version to output_collection. Finally, Aigis will generate a page for the components which is grouped by same version value.

  - category
  - version

In the case of above specified, two type of pages (category and version) will be outputted.

transform: (optional)

Type Default
String or Array ['html', 'ejs', 'jade', 'hbs']

In the case of code block has a special extension, Aigis will generate an actual HTML from the code block. It can help you to show markup example and previewed component.

html jade ejs hbs will be enabled by default.

If you don't want to generate previewed component from the code block, specify transform value which you want.

  - html
  - hbs

Compile code block with template engine

If you specify compile: true in configuration block of your component, The code block which is specify ejs or jade or hbs will be compiled by using configuration value of the configuration block.

name: btn
category: btn
compile: true
  value1: hoge
<h2><%- name %></h2>
<button><%- data.value1 %></button>

In the above case, Aigis will append HTML like the following by using configuration values.

<div class="aigis-preview">

highlight: (optional)

Type Default
Boolean true

Specify enabling or disabling syntax highlighting for the code block. If you want another syntax highlighting library, specify highlight: false and then Aigis will disable the syntax highlighting.

timestamp_format: (optional)

Type Default
String 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm'

When aigis generate style guide, Aigis will path through special variable named timestamp to your template. It helps to mention about publish date of your style guide.

Please refer format of Moment.js about The format of timestamp_format value.

template_global_data: (optional) Only Handlebars

Type Default
Boolean true

⚠ This feature is only Handlebars template.

When you specify 'false', enabling handlebars include to pass contextual params.



template_global_data: false
  - html
  - hbs

your css

name: Button
compile: true
Button styles.
* Base button style.
* Use `a` or `button` tag.
{{include './button.html' label='Buy'}}



Output html for style guide is below:

<div class="aigis-preview">

helper_options: (optional)

renderTemplateJSON: (optional) Only Handlebars

Type Default
Boolean true

⚠ This feature is only Handlebars template.

When you specify false, Get a JSON object from css comment and build the menu according to our needs.



template_engine: hbs
template_dir: ./template-json_hbs
  renderTemplateJSON: true

You can customize side menu you want :) Please refer /examples/template-json_hbs/sidemenu.hbs