Comment Syntax

In aigis, Documenting component's configuration and component's documentation in comment block (/* ~ */). The block is surrounded by --- is configuration (YAML) and after YAML block is a documentation (Markdown).

name: component name
  - base
  - latest
  - component
  - component/button

## This is a component document

* Base button component.
* Use `a` or `button` tag.

Here's an example code.

<a class="btn">Button</a>

The component's style guide wil be generated from this configuration block and documentation block.

Configuration block

The block is surrounded by --- is configuration (YAML). Documenting the configuration with YAML forms.

To be more precise, --- needs to contain at the next line of starting line of the comment block (/*).

name: component name
  - base
  - latest
  - component
  - component/button

Specifying config keys of components (default is category and tag) in output_collection: which is in the configuration file ( aigis_config.yml) , you can generate a components style guide grouped by the specified configuration keys.

category and tag are grouped and output by default.

Documentation block

You can use Markdown (GitHub Flavored Markdown) in documentation block of the component

Enabled syntax highlight if you specified special keyword into code block (′′′). Please see Documentation/Syntax Highlight for more details.

Aigis compiles with chjj/marked and original custom renderer named aigis-marked for syntax highlighting

Customize Code Example Renderers

Aigis generates previewed components and appends it to the style guide, using a code block (′′′) which has a language identifier.

Aigis can compile the components with a template engine, using the key / values in the configuration block.

To enable this, set compile: true in configuration block and specify the syntax of the template engine as a language identifier in the code fence.

You can write the component include the keys in the template syntax which you specify. Aigis compiles the components using the values of the keys.

If you want to enable or disable previewed components, set transform: value in configuration block. In the case of enabling only ejs, set transform: value to ejs only as follows.

  - ejs

Describe configuration to generate from sample code block by using EJS. You can set compile: value each component. By default is false.

name: component name
  - base
  - latest
  - component
  - component/button
  value1: hoge
  value2: fuga
compile: true

  <h2><%- name %></h2>
  <p><%- data.value1 %></p>
  <p><%- data.value2 %></p>

The previewed component which was generated from the above configuration and sample code block will be prepend the sample code block.

  <h2>component name</h2>

Jade and Handlebars also can generate compiled previewed component.